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Mixmax Sequence analytics improvements (coming soon)
Mixmax Sequence analytics improvements (coming soon)

Mixmax will update Sequence performance metrics to improve consistency and align with customer expectations.

Updated over a week ago

This feature is coming soon.

Over the upcoming weeks, we will be updating how we calculate Sequence performance metrics to be more aligned with customer expectations and make them consistent throughout the product.

These upcoming changes will allow for more consistent reporting within Mixmax, making it easier to understand Sequence performance.

These updates will be rolled out in two phases. Please see below for what to expect in each phase, timing, and FAQ.

Phase 1 (updates to the Reports tab)

Reports tab


  • Updated sequence email metrics definitions (such as Open %, Reply %, etc.) in all of our Sequences reports.

  • A bug-fix to ensure date ranges are correctly applied when calculating metrics in Sequences reports.

  • Standardized the data columns available across the following sequence subreport types: Domain, Recipient, and Sequences.

See below for details on each of these updates.

Date range filter bug-fix

For the Sequences report (in Reports tab -> Report Builder -> Report Type = Sequences), the date range filter will now correctly calculate metrics only for selected date ranges. Currently, there is a bug due to which the metrics are calculated for an incorrect date range. For example, if my date range filter is set to the last 7 days, for each sequence, I will see:

  • The number of emails sent in the last 7 days

  • Of those sent emails, how many were delivered

  • Of those delivered, how many were opened

  • Of those delivered, how many were clicked

  • Of those delivered, how many resulted in an RSVP: Yes

Updated Sequence email metrics definitions (Reports tab only)

We will be updating our email performance metrics definitions to adhere to industry-standard calculations, making it easier to understand the performance of your sequences.

Removal of select columns in the following sequence subreport types = domain, recipient, and sequences

We are removing columns below that are irrelevant for historical Sequence performance reporting but are more appropriate when viewed in the context of Sequences List View and Sequence Detailed Report.

  • Due

  • Scheduled

  • Active recipients

  • Next stage scheduled

  • Last stage

We are temporarily removing the following performance metrics from reports and will re-introduce them at a future date with accurate data:

  • Exited

  • Unsubscribed


We will be rolling out phase one changes at the end of May.

Phase 2 (Sequence List View & Sequence Report Detail)

Sequence list view


Updated sequence email calculations for the Sequence List View and the Sequence Detailed Report to be fully consistent with the updated metrics launched in Phase 1

We will be rolling out phase two changes in the summer. We will keep you updated on any other improvements that will be included as this date approaches.


Are these new definitions going to be applied to historical and future data?

Yes, these definitions will be applied to all historical data & saved reports. You will not be able to access performance data based on previous calculations once rolled out.

Where can I learn more about the new sequence email performance calculations?

You can visit a more detailed report on the definitions.

Why did you remove Scheduled (#), Due, Active Recipients, Next Stage Scheduled, and Last Stage from the Reports Section?

These are not time-based performance metrics. Rather, they are recipient status that fluctuates and is independent of a time frame. You can find this information in the Sequence List View and Sequence Detailed Report.

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