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How to enable Salesforce Real-Time Sync
How to enable Salesforce Real-Time Sync

This article describes how to enable Mixmax Real-Time Sync for Salesforce and what the RTS package includes.

Updated over 10 months ago

Salesforce integration is available on the Mixmax Growth + CRM plan and above. Check out our pricing page for more information.

When you enable Real-Time Sync for Salesforce, Mixmax will immediately become aware of changes in your Salesforce instance and import those changes to Mixmax. Here are some examples of situations where real-time syncing will really make a difference:

  • If you create Leads or Contacts in Salesforce in bulk, your team will see those records right away in the Mixmax sidebar in Gmail.

  • If you're using Salesforce rules, i.e., to send a sequence to new Leads who sign up for a webinar, your rule will run, and the sequence will send as soon as the Lead is created.

  • Tasks created in Salesforce will appear in Mixmax in near real-time.


  1. You and your team will need the Mixmax Enterprise or Growth + CRM plan. Interested in one of these plans? Contact sales.

  2. Select a designated Salesforce Sync User.

  3. Your Salesforce plan must support Apex. This is available on Salesforce Enterprise Edition.

Important info regarding your Bulk API quota

Before you install the Real-Time Sync package in either your production or sandbox environment, it's essential to know the following: The initial sync is generally the most intensive bulk quota event. This is because Mixmax performs a preliminary state audit of your Salesforce instance, and this process will be more costly than day-to-day bulk quota usage after you are up and running.

The only other instance where bulk quota would be higher than normal would be when Mixmax requires a secondary state audit due to detecting an inconsistency.

Example: Mixmax attempts to update a contact record, and the contact is flagged as being previously unknown to Mixmax. That could be indicative of an issue. Our system will flag this as an inconsistency and try to re-audit the state as a best practice.

When testing what this looks like in the sandbox, we know our customers may often have multiple applications being tested simultaneously. To get the most accurate representation of what the initial Real-Time Sync Bulk API usage will look like, we recommend limiting other concurrent experimental packages that are running in your sandbox at the time of the test as much as possible.

With Real-Time Sync, Mixmax will reduce its Bulk API usage and use Apex calls to retrieve updates from Salesforce.

Installation steps

Mixmax administrators can go to the Integrations settings page in the Admin tab in Settings.

Then, click the button to install the Mixmax Salesforce Package.

Installing Salesforce package

Clicking on this button will open a new tab in Salesforce, and you'll see a page that looks like the screenshot below. Choose Install for All Users, and click the Install button.

Installing for all users

Approve Third-Party Access. This allows Salesforce to send data directly to Mixmax.

Approving access

Next, you will see this success page:

Installation complete

Click Done, and you will be brought to the Installed Packages page in Salesforce. At this moment, no further action is required in Salesforce.

If you return to the Integrations settings page in the Admin Settings tab. We will automatically identify that you have installed the Mixmax Package and start setting it up.

Setting up RTS

Mixmax may take up to 30 seconds to recognize a package installation.

This process should be fast. After that, we are all set; no more setup is required, and you can start to get your data synced in real time!

Active RTS

You can refer to this component to check the status of your Real-time sync connection. You can verify the last time an Apex update was detected. If there are issues with your RTS configuration, you will see an error state.

If an account has gone over 30 minutes without triggering Real-Time Sync, the warning notice will be displayed.

This could mean that no field (especially those selected under Sync Conditions) has been updated. Mixmax will still sync the data but via Incremental Sync using the Bulk API. Once Real-Time Sync has been triggered again, then Mixmax will revert from Interval Sync back to Real-Time Sync.

No RTS sync detected

Sync Conditions

Real-Time Sync Conditions help workspaces reduce APEX usage by limiting updates from SFDC to Mixmax to trigger only when specific fields are updated in SFDC (rather than firing any time an update occurs). This allows users to allocate APEX calls to data that plays a key role in their workflows. To learn more, see Sync Conditions.

Enabling sync conditions

Mixmax custom settings

When you install the RTS package, the following Mixmax custom settings are created in Salesforce:

  • Disable Mixmax RTS: Disable the Mixmax Real-Time Sync package.

  • Error logging enabled: Log errors in Salesforce to get extra details.

  • Mixmax Gateway URL (For testing only)

  • Mixmax Token

You can find the Mixmax Settings at Salesforce Setup > Custom Code > Custom Settings. To edit the custom settings click Manage, then click Edit at the next page.

Managing custom settings
Editing the custom setting

Disabling Mixmax Real-Time Syncing

To disable Real-Time Sync, edit Mixmax Settings, check the box next to Disable Mixmax RTS, and click Save.

Disabling RTS

You can also uninstall the Mixmax package directly from Salesforce. For additional information, see how to uninstall a package.

Always try to disable RTS via the custom setting first. If that doesn't work, you can try uninstalling the Mixmax package completely.

Mixmax custom objects

When you install the RTS package, the following two Mixmax custom objects are also created in Salesforce:

Mixmax custom objects

Mixmax Error

This custom object is related to the Error logging enabled custom setting.

Mixmax Synced Fields

This custom object is related to the Real-Time Sync Conditions.

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