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Part 5: Tasks

This is part 5 of the Getting Started as an AE course, where we show you how to create and manage Tasks in Mixmax.

Updated over a year ago

Mixmax Tasks will help you keep track of important follow-ups and things to do so that no correspondence with your clients ever falls through the cracks again.

You are already familiar with how to access Tasks in the Mixmax Sidebar. Now, let's learn what you can do in the Tasks dashboard section of the Mixmax web app.

Tasks in the Mixmax Tasks dashboard

All of your existing tasks are easy to find in the Tasks section of the Mixmax web app.

To create a new task, simply click +New Task in the top right corner. Select whether you'd like to create an Email task, a To-do task, or a Phone Call task by clicking the corresponding icon.

The Task popup window will open; next, enter a title for your task and fill in the required fields (they differ based on the type of the task). Then, click the calendar icon and set the task due date.

Click Save in the upper-right corner of the window to save the task.

Creating a new task

Prioritizing the tasks

Mixmax tasks prioritization workflows ensure you can make the most of your day and follow up with your most important customers.

Prioritizing tasks

On the left panel, there are several default quick task queues that make it easier to access relevant tasks with a single click.

To customize task prioritization for your own workflow, you can use the Task filters for more granular control:

  • View Tasks for - This filter is available to Workspace admins only and provides a list of your Workspace members. Myself, as the top result, allows you to only view the tasks assigned to you. To search for a specific user, start typing their name in the Search for an assignee field in the drop-down menu.

  • Due Date - There are several preset date configurations for you to quickly filter your task list, including “Today,” “Overdue,” “Today+Overdue,” “Tomorrow,” “Next 7 Days,” “Next 7 days + Overdue,” “This Month.” Additionally, you can use the View tasks between date pickers to enter a custom due date range.

Due dates for Tasks are timezone-dependent.

  • Task Type - You can filter the tasks by types, including Call, To-do, Manual Email, LinkedIn connection request, and LinkedIn InMail. By default, the All task types option is selected; however, you can only check the boxes next to those types that are relevant to you.

  • Sequence - In this list, you will see all sequences to which you have access in your Workspace if they are not archived. You can select specific sequences to view the tasks related to them. Type the name of the sequence in the Search for a Sequence field to look for the sequence you need.

  • Status - Use this filter to view your Open, Completed, or Skipped tasks. By default, your Open tasks are displayed.

  • Opens - This filter is how you can identify your most engaged recipients. You can choose to view all tasks regardless of recipients' engagement, only those sequence tasks where the recipient opened any of the emails in the sequence at least once, or only the tasks with no associated email opens.

  • Priority - You can view all tasks regardless of priority or focus only on the tasks with a high, normal, or low priority.

  • Account - Select a Salesforce Account to view the tasks associated with all Contacts and activities related to this Account.

To use the Accounts filter, your Mixmax account must be connected to Salesforce. For more details, see how to connect to Salesforce.

Bulk actions

You can update the status of To-do tasks in bulk using the checkboxes on the left side of the Tasks list. After you check the box next to at least one task, you will see the options to mark the selected tasks as complete or delete them.

Bulk actions

If you mark a task that is a part of a sequence as Completed or Skipped, the recipient will automatically move on to the next sequence stage. If you delete a task that is a part of a sequence, the recipient will be exited from the sequence.

Tasks Workflow mode

Using the Mixmax Tasks Workflow mode, available on the Mixmax Enterprise plan, you can power through your tasks in a single view based on your selected task queue.

Tasks Workflow helps you to efficiently complete a batch of tasks, such as sending emails from your Email Tasks or making all your daily phone calls.

Starting the Tasks Workflow

There are three ways you can start the Tasks Workflow:

  • Mixmax Sidebar in Gmail — As you already know, you can start the Tasks Workflow from Gmail by expanding the Sidebar, then selecting the Tasks tab and clicking the green Start X Tasks button or a specific task.

  • Sequences — If there are available tasks for a sequence, you will see the Start my tasks button next to it in the Sequences section of the Mixmax dashboard. You can choose to complete the tasks for an individual stage or all tasks for the sequence.

Start tasks in Sequences
  • Tasks section of the Mixmax web app — You can start the Tasks Workflow by clicking Start X tasks directly on the Tasks page. Click a preset due date on the left to filter by the due date. You can also find specific tasks by assignee, status, or due date and then complete the selected batch of tasks.

Start tasks button

Completing Tasks in the Tasks Workflow

The following options are available in the Tasks Workflow:

  • To complete a Call type task, you need to complete the call. After you end the call, fill out the details related to the call, and once you're done, click Log and Complete.

  • To mark an Email task as completed, you need to send the email, which automatically logs the email activity and moves you on to the next task.

  • To complete a To-do task, just click the checkmark in the upper-left corner of the task window.

  • To delete a task, click the trash can icon at the bottom right of the window.

When the open task is associated with a specific Contact, the Mixmax Sidebar will open automatically on the left side of the Tasks Workflow window. Click the arrow at the top of the Sidebar to quickly collapse or expand it, as shown below:

Collapsing Mixmax Sidebar

Tasks in Sequences

Tasks can also be generated automatically through the powerful automation featured in Mixmax Sequences or Rules. You will learn more about how Sequences and Rules work in the following lessons.

With Sequences, you can automate workflows that include a variety of channels (call, email, LinkedIn) to ensure the right balance of human vs. automated touchpoints.

To create a multi-touch sequence, you can add Call, To-Do, or manual Email tasks, as well as LinkedIn stages to your sequence. Simply select the necessary task type when you add a new stage to your sequence:

Selecting a task for a new stage

When your recipient enters the Task stage in a sequence, Mixmax will create a corresponding Task with a due date according to your sequence stage configuration.

The Task stages include:

To-do tasks

Perform any task

To-do tasks are general tasks that require some action outside of Mixmax. To-do tasks can be used, e.g., to do some research before an important meeting or perform an offline task.

Call tasks

Call recipient

Call tasks allow you to include call touchpoints in your Mixmax workflows. You will learn how to use the Mixmax Dialer in the next lesson.

Manual email tasks

Send email manually

With an Email task, you can draft an email that you can later choose to send manually whenever appropriate. Email tasks include a visual editor so you can conveniently review and then personalize your email before it is sent.

LinkedIn Connection or InMail requests

Send connection request/InMail

You can exclusively create LinkedIn tasks by sequence stages. These tasks allow you, e.g., to send an InMail message based on a template.

As soon as you complete the Task, the recipient will be moved to the next sequence stage automatically, based on the settings of your sequence. It is also possible to manually skip the recipient to the next sequence stage when you execute the task. You will learn more about how Tasks work in general in one of the next lessons.

When you open Call tasks created by a sequence, your recipients' phone numbers will be pulled into the Call task automatically.

When you set up the sequence, add some key talking points directly to the task description. These notes will be displayed to you during the call when you are executing the Call task.

When adding a manual Email Task, you will be able to create a draft of the email and include it in the task. As soon as your sequence reaches the manual Email Task stage, the email will be queued up for you to review and send. This makes manual Email tasks great for manually approving the stage content or adding some personal touches to the stage before it's sent.

Email task

Now that you know how to manage your Tasks with Mixmax, let's learn more about making the calls with Mixmax Dialer. Click Next to go on.

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