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Reports Dashboard overview

Mixmax's Reports Dashboard allows users to gain insights into email tracking data and top-performing Sequences and Templates.

Updated over a week ago

Reporting & Analytics are available on the Mixmax Growth plan and above. Check out our pricing page for more information.

With Mixmax's Reports Dashboard, you can gain a quick overview of the number of meetings, emails sent, and customers outbound for you and your Workspace. While this dashboard allows you to visualize email tracking data like sent emails, opens, clicks, and replies, it also offers a breakdown of trends like top-performing sequences and templates.

You can read more about creating, saving, and downloading customized Reports in our Report Builder overview. Clicking See Data anywhere in the Reports Dashboard will direct you to the Report Builder.

Understanding the Reports Dashboard

You can find your Reports Dashboard by hovering over the left-side menu and choosing Reports.

At the top of this page, you will see two filtering options:

  • Date Range - This filter allows you to choose the time range for which you want to find data.

  • Groups / Users - This filter allows you to view data for all users, a group, an individual, or a subset of users you've selected.

The default filters are 'Last 30 days' and 'All Groups / Users'.

Default filters

On the left side of this page, you will see the Report Builder tab, your saved reports, and your shared reports. At this time, reports cannot be added to folders.

On the right side of each stat, you'll find the option to display these charts as line graphs or as bar graphs. You can also hover your cursor over different parts of the chart to see data for specific dates within your chosen date range.

Email analysis in motion


In the Overview section, you will see three charts. Each of these charts has a breakdown of data based on the date range and user group you've selected.

  • Customer Meetings Booked - This chart represents the number of meetings booked using Mixmax.

  • Emails Sent - This chart represents the number of emails distributed using Mixmax.

    • The Sent number may not match the Delivered number as the Delivered number does not include bounced emails.

  • Customers Outbound - This chart represents the number of email domains that have been reached out to in the specified date range you've chosen.


Email Analysis

The email analysis chart visualizes the tracking data in your Live Feed. You'll see sent, opened, clicked, and replied data here. You can remove any of these by unchecking the box next to the associated parameter.

Email analysis

Meeting Trend Activity

In this chart, you can select to view 'Total Meetings' or 'Time Spent'.

  • Total Meetings allows you to view the amount of internal (meetings with folks at your domain) and external meetings you've scheduled using Mixmax.

  • Time Spent will show you the total time spent in internal and external meetings. The Time Spent chart numbers account for the allotted meeting time and are not adjusted if a meeting went long or ended early.

Internal vs. External Meetings

This chart shows similar data to the Meeting Trend Activity chart, but instead, it gives you an aggregated view of the data. You can visualize the total number of internal vs. external meetings and the amount of time spent in these meetings.

Meetings trends


The Leaderboard gives you an overview of various top performers based on a particular parameter you have applied to each chart. You can view top performing:

  • Users - other team members in your Workspace.

  • Sequences

  • Groups - any Groups in your Workspace you're in.

  • Templates

  • Customers - see which recipients you interact with the most.

When Top Users, Groups, or Customers is selected, these charts can be based on:

  • # of Emails Sent

  • # of Emails Opened

  • # of Emails Clicked

  • # of Emails Replied

  • Open Rate

  • Click Rate

  • Reply Rate

When Top Templates or Sequences is selected, these charts can be based on:

  • # of Emails Sent

  • # of Emails Opened

  • # of Emails Clicked

  • # of Emails Replied

  • # of Unsubscribes

  • # of RSVP Yes

  • Open Rate

  • Click Rate

  • Reply Rate

  • Unsubscribe Rate

You can compare a wide range of data with these four charts. For example, you may want to compare the number of emails sent between Users, Groups, Sequences, and Templates.

Top users, groups, sequences, and templates

Or, you may want to compare how your Sequences performed across the number of emails sent, the number of emails replied, the open rate, and the unsubscribe rate.

Top sequences

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