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Groups overview

Learn more about Workspace Groups in Mixmax, how to add or remove Group members, and how to share resources with your Group.

Updated over 11 months ago

Groups in Mixmax are a great way to share content and track performance across your Workspace. Any member of your Workspace can create a Group, and you can set up different Groups across your Workspace.

Creating a Group

In the Mixmax web app, click Groups in the left column to open the Groups page. Click the New Group button in the upper left to get started. Give your Group a name and invite people to join. Inviting new members is as easy as typing in their email address and clicking Send Invites.

Adding a group

Only users who are part of your Workspace can be invited to a Group.

Only Group admins will have the option to invite additional Group members. Group Admins also have the authority to change another member to an admin and remove an existing Group member. Group members will be able to see other members and choose to leave the Group.

Removing a Group member

You can remove a Group member at any time by clicking the X next to their name.

Leaving a Group

Group members you've invited can leave the Group at any time β€” they'll see a button that says Leave this Group.

Disbanding a Workspace Group

If you want to disband a Group you created, first remove all of the Group members by clicking the X next to each person. Then click the X next to your name to disband the Group.

Who can contribute to the Group Live Feed?

Only group members on a paid subscription can contribute to the Group Live Feed. Emails sent by Group members on Free plans will not appear in the Group's Live Feed.

Sharing resources with your Group

Live Feed searches

All your saved searches in the Live Feed will be available in the left column. You have the option to share any saved search with all members of your Workspace Group. When you're viewing a saved search, you'll see the Share button in the upper-right corner of your page.

Sharing search

When you click the Share button, a window will open where you can choose which Groups to share the search with. You can also choose to give Read-Only (can view) or Read-Write (can edit) access.

Sharing Live Feed


Templates are slightly different from the Live Feed because you can share individual templates or entire template folders. To share an individual template, open up an existing template and click the Edit sharing link.

Sharing a template

On the Edit Sharing screen, you will see options to share with your Groups.

Sharing template permissions

You can also share entire template folders with your Workspace Group or individuals, which will share all of the templates within the folder. When you are viewing a folder, you'll click the Share this folder link.

Sharing a folder

In the pop-out window, you'll see the option to share the template folder with your groups or individuals. Giving Read-Only access means the other Group members you're sharing with will be able to view and use all of the templates within the folder but cannot change them or add new templates. The Read-Write access will allow Group members to make changes to the template.

Sharing folder permissions


Sequences can be shared as Read-Only or Read-Write. With Read-Only, your Group members will be able to use the sequence and send from their own accounts, but they cannot make changes to the stages. With Read-Write, your Group members will be able to change the content of the sequence.

To share a sequence, click the Share button at the top of your sequence settings. You can edit the sharing details whenever you want by clicking Edit sharing. To learn more, see Setting up your Sequences.

Sharing sequences

Saved Reports

On the Growth and Enterprise plans, you can create reports to track email and meeting activity across your Workspace Group.

Using Report Builder, you can check how well a particular sequence or template is performing across your Group. You can also use reports to determine who has the best relationship with one of your contacts. When you save a custom report, you'll see a button to share the report.

Sharing reports

Like with the other resources, you will see a window allowing you to select which Workspace Groups you'd like to share with.

Viewing the Group Live Feed

When you're looking at the Live feed, you'll notice the View feed menu above it. Select a Workspace Group from this menu, and you will see all of the tracked activity for all users in that Group.

You can use the search bar above to find specific details for your Group. For example, you can choose only to view opened but not replied messages for a group.

Group Live Feed

Workspace Groups and Admin permissions

If you are a Workspace Admin, you will have access to view all groups regardless of whether you are a member of them.

For example, if multiple users are in a Workspace group you are not a part of as an Admin, you can still view the group's data and members.

For more information, see the article about Admin permissions.

Workspace groups

What is the difference between Groups and Roles?

Groups in Mixmax allow you to share content, track performance, and view metrics for your organization, as described in this article.

Roles allow you to set (and, if you wish, enforce) settings for different departments or positions within your organization. For example, you can determine the default settings for Mixmax in general, Exclusions, Unsubscribing, and Tracking, or for key integrations like Salesforce. For tracking, this can help your organization comply with data privacy laws, as you can disable tracking for users in your organization by role. To learn more, check out how to disable tracking for your organization.

You can create and assign roles from the Roles tab of Admin Settings. You can also read more about Roles.

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