Besides setting up a Sync User for your Workspace, you also need to connect your own user account to Salesforce at the Integrations tab in your Mixmax Personal Settings.
Connecting to Salesforce
Find the Salesforce tile in the Personal > Integrations tab and click Connect to Salesforce. Next, log in to Salesforce when prompted.
Make sure the following permissions are enabled for your Salesforce account:
API access
CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete) for the Salesforce objects and fields you wish to sync between Salesforce and Mixmax (e.g., Accounts, Contacts/Leads, Opportunities, Events, Tasks, and Campaigns + Campaign Members, or any other custom objects and fields if required).
These permissions can be granted under the Salesforce Setup > Users > Profiles or Permission Sets. Enabling them will help you avoid any issues with activities and records syncing between SFDC and Mixmax. You will see an error notice if syncing fails because the required permissions are not enabled.
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