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Sequence Library

Mixmax's curated sequence library that will give you a head start

Updated over a week ago

With the Mixmax sequence library, sequences are now templated for an easy click to create sequence.

When creating a new sequence, click the "Sequence Library" option.

After, you will be taken to the library where you can review and preview the sequence templates.

When you are ready to use the sequence template, simply click on the one you want.

From there, you have two options to generate the sequence.

Option 1: Use Template

This option will use the sequence template as is and allow you to customize the content manually.

Once selected, you will be prompted to add the new sequence to your current sequences and sequence folders. Select "Lets Go" to proceed.

After you will be able to customize the sequence content and add your recipients.

Option 2: Personalize & Use

This option allows you to utilize AI to further customize the sequence template.

Once selected, you will be prompted to personalize the sequence in the AI prompt.

Once completed, select "continue". After you will be prompted to add the new sequence to your current sequences and sequence folders. Select "Lets Go" to proceed.

After you will be able to make any final edits to the sequence and add your recipients.

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