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Syncing to Salesforce

This article describes how you can sync emails, activities, and events between Mixmax and Salesforce.

Updated over 10 months ago

Salesforce integration is available on the Mixmax Growth + CRM plan and above. Check out our pricing page for more information.

You can sync messages, calendar events, and analytics to the associated Contact, Lead, or Opportunity within Salesforce. To select which events you sync to Salesforce, visit the CRM & Group Live Feed page of your Settings.

Synced Emails and Tracking

Here's how emails are synced to Salesforce.

For emails sent individually:

  • New messages: "Sent (New): {subject line}"

  • Opens: "Opened: {subject line}"

  • Clicks: "Clicked: {URL}"

  • Downloads: "Downloaded: {File Name}"

  • Replies from recipients: "Replied: {subject line}"

  • Replies you send to a chain: "Sent (Reply): {subject line}"

  • Original email received from an existing lead/contact: "Received: {subject line}"

  • Meeting confirmations: "Meeting Confirmed: {Meeting title}"

  • Meeting cancelations: "Meeting canceled: {Meeting title}"

  • Bounced emails: "Bounced: {subject line}"

Please note that currently, when an email has multiple recipients, there are certain tracking limitations for Outlook users that impact syncing to Salesforce:

All of the Opened and Clicked activity will appear related to the first recipient in the To field, even if that recipient is not the one who actually opened the email. Because of this, when Opened and Clicked activities are synced to Salesforce, each activity will be synced only to the first recipient in the To field of the email with multiple recipients.

For emails sent as part of a Sequence:

  • New messages: "Sent (New) [Sequence name (# stage)]: {subject line}"

  • Opens: "Opened [Sequence name (# stage)]: {subject line}"

  • Clicks: "Clicked [Sequence name (# stage)]: {subject line}"

  • Downloads: "Downloaded [Sequence name (# stage)]: {subject line}"

  • Replies from recipients: "Replied [Sequence name (# stage)]: {subject line}"

  • Replies you send to a chain: "Sent (Reply) [Sequence name (# stage)]: {subject line}"

  • Meeting confirmations: “Meeting Confirmed: [Sequence name (# stage)]: {subject line}"

  • Meeting cancelations: “Meeting Canceled: [Sequence name (# stage)]: {subject line}”

  • Bounced emails: "Bounced [Sequence name (# stage)]: {subject line}"

Mixmax automatically excludes activity syncing for emails from generic system addresses, for example:

  • notifications@

  • noreply@

  • no-reply@

  • info@

  • system@


  • mailer-daemon@

  • support@

  • hello@

  • team@

  • alerts@

  • communications@

  • jira@

  • comments-noreply@

  • newsletter@

  • notify@, etc.

Above, you can see only some of the most popular generic system email addresses; the exclusions list is dynamic.

Synced Tasks

Here's how the different types of Mixmax Tasks are synced to Salesforce:

  • To-do: " {subject}"

  • LinkedIn Connection Requests: "{subject}: LinkedIn Connection Request: Stage #"

  • LinkedIn InMail: "{subject}: LinkedIn InMail: Stage #"

For Unresolved Tasks, Mixmax will sync the task as "Unresolved Sent (New): {subject}".

If an email address is not associated with a record in Salesforce, the email will still be logged — a task will be created in your Unresolved Items.

Unresolved Tasks

Please note that Unresolved Tasks will only be synced if the respective Roles setting in the Mixmax Admin settings tab is enabled.

Enabling creating Unresolved Tasks

For Call Tasks, depending on where you log a Call from, the Task title in Salesforce can vary slightly.

If a Mixmax user logs a Call from the Sidebar:

  • Call:[Contact or Lead Name]{ Phone Number}(Phone Field)

If a Mixmax user calls a phone number from the Sidebar:

  • Call:[Contact or Lead Name]{ Phone Number}(Phone Field)

If a Mixmax user creates a Call Task from the Sidebar:

  • Call: {Subject}

If a Mixmax user creates a Call Task and logs it from the Mixmax Task dashboard:

  • Call: {Subject}

Calendar Events

Google and Outlook Calendar events associated with a Salesforce Lead or Contact—including meetings booked through Mixmax’s Calendar tools—will be logged as Events in Salesforce and added to individual users' Salesforce calendars.

The Event's Subject in Salesforce will be exactly the same as the Event's Title in the Google or Outlook Calendar. For example, if the GCal Event's Title is "Renewal discussion," that will also be the Event's Subject in Salesforce.

Event's subject

If the meeting was scheduled via Mixmax (not directly in Google or Outlook Calendar), a Salesforce Task will also be created with the Subject formatted like this:

“Meeting confirmed: {event Title}”


“Meeting canceled: {event Title}”

The synced event will be related to the corresponding Lead or Contact in Salesforce and to any Opportunity where the Contact is a Primary Contact Role. If no Opportunity is found, it will be linked to the Contact's Account.

The meetings will be synced from Google and Outlook Calendar to Salesforce whether the meeting organizer is an internal Mixmax user or an external Contact or Lead on Salesforce.

If more than one Mixmax user is attending the meeting, Mixmax will create one Salesforce Event for each user, allowing all attendees to view the Salesforce Event on their Salesforce calendars.

If the meeting contains multiple Salesforce Contacts or Leads, the Event in Salesforce will contain only one Contact or Lead in the Name field, following these rules:

  • External meeting: If the meeting is externally organized by a Salesforce Contact or Lead outside your organization, then the name of the external organizer will be listed in the Name field.

  • Internal meeting: If the meeting is internally organized by a Mixmax user within your organization, then the name of the first Contact among the event attendees will be listed in the Name field.

Changes in the Google and Outlook Calendars will be reflected in Salesforce up to 40 minutes after they occur.

For more information on syncing recurring calendar events, see how Mixmax syncs recurring Calendar events to Salesforce.

Syncing to the Mixmax Activity Date/Time field

For users on Enterprise, we highly recommend installing the Mixmax Insights package to get the Mixmax Activity Date/Time field out-of-the-box perfectly syncing the activity date/time instead of manually creating the field. Check out our Mixmax Insights page for more info.

The Mixmax Activity Date/Time field improves the data accuracy of the activities synced from Mixmax to Salesforce and will help you to build accurate Mixmax Reports and Dashboards in Salesforce.

To sync real-time activity from Mixmax to Salesforce, your Salesforce Admin will need to set up a custom field with the following criteria:

  • Field Data Type should be Date/Time

  • Field Label can be "Mixmax Activity Date/Time" or any name your Salesforce Admin decides.

  • Field Name must be entered as MixmaxActivityDateTime.

Creating a custom field

After creating the field, the field should look like the screenshot below in Salesforce:

Custom field in Salesforce

All users syncing Mixmax tasks/activities to Salesforce should have full access to this custom MixmaxActivityDateTime field. Check your Salesforce Admin settings to customize access for each user/role.

The Salesforce fields in Mixmax will automatically sync at midnight PST. However, Mixmax workspace admins can sync the field immediately from the Integrations settings.

To do so, select the Get latest fields button:

Getting latest fields

After, the real date and time activity will sync to the field.

Mixmax will not sync the data retroactively. Only new activity will sync to the Mixmax Activity Date/Time field.

Syncing FAQ

How is data synced from Mixmax to Salesforce? Are users creating/updating records on Event and Task objects?

When syncing activities to Salesforce, we sync to Salesforce Tasks & Events. Different activities are synced as Tasks of different types:

  • Email activities (sent, replied & received emails) are synced as the Email type tasks.

  • Tracking email activities (opens, clicks, downloads) are synced as the #N/A type tasks.

  • Calls are synced as the Call type tasks.

  • Other tasks (e.g., To-Do or LinkedIn) are synced as the Task type tasks.

  • Meetings scheduled via Google Calendar are synced as the Meeting type events.

All of these activities are synced as tasks related to the Contact/Lead(s) as well as the corresponding Opportunity (if found) or Account (if no Opportunity is found).

If Custom objects are set up, then the Task/Event will be related to the corresponding Custom object. To learn more, see how to configure your Role settings to determine what activity logs to Salesforce.

You can also enable Rollup of Activities to a Contact’s Primary Account in Salesforce. If you enable that Activity setting, Mixmax will ensure your Tasks/Events are displayed against your Opportunities, while Salesforce will ensure they are displayed against the corresponding Contact's Account.

Which fields are mapping from Mixmax to Salesforce data flow?

When syncing activities (such as a sent email), we map to the Salesforce task's Subject, Assigned to, Type, Status, Related to, Name, and Comments fields with information relevant to the activity being synced.

When sending an email, any Salesforce fields specified as variables in an email content from an individual email from Gmail, templates, or sequences are mapped to the corresponding field in Salesforce.

How can users uniquely identify records created from Mixmax to Salesforce integration?

For activity syncing, the Task's subject line is generally formatted in a unique way. Please see an example of how the task's subject line is formatted below:

Task subject formatting

For created Contacts/Leads, since we're creating those records directly via Salesforce APIs mapping to the necessary record fields, we don't really have a way to identify the source. If the records are created via a Mixmax rule action, the rule's activity log will capture that information.

For Emails, how can users find the latest status of an email (e.g., sent, received, open, responded, etc.)?

Each email activity is synced as a separate Salesforce task related to the appropriate Lead or Contact. The subject line of the task will indicate the type of activity it is.

See examples below:

Sent activity type
Replied activity type
Received activity type

Can users set additional fields while records are inserted in Salesforce?

Anytime a record is created or updated during the batch sync from Salesforce, all available fields on the record at the time of the sync, if accessible by the user or Sync User, will be imported as part of the sync. The upcoming release of the Sync Conditions will give you the ability to control and specify exactly which fields to sync.

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