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Insights overview
Updated over a week ago

Caution: This article is deprecated. Please see Reports Dashboard Overview and Report Builder Overview for current information on insights and reporting.

The Insights dashboard, available on the Growth or Enterprise plans, gives you actionable data across all of your team’s communications.

Measure your team’s performance: know how many emails each sales rep sent last month, along with each rep’s open and reply rate. Learn how effective a particular template is at generating meetings across your team. Share your reports with your team or with other stakeholders so everyone has visibility.

Create a Custom Report

With advanced reporting available on our Enterprise plan, you can create custom reports to answer specific business questions. To create a report, first set your desired filters at the top of the page.

The following filters are available:

  • From - Filters based on who sent the message. You can specify certain Workspace group members, entire Groups, or delegated senders.

  • To - Filters based on messages addressed to a specific recipient(s) or domain(s)

  • Sequence - Filters based on specific sequence(s)

  • Template - Filters based on a specific template(s)

  • Activity - Filters based on how the recipient interacted with the message (opened, replied, clicked, RSVP’d, etc.)

  • Dates sent - Filters based on the time frame when messages were sent

  • Group by - Groups messages either by the sender or by the recipient domain

Custom report filters

Save Your Report

After setting your filters, click Save this Report and give your report a name in the popup window. For easy access later, you’ll find your saved reports in the menu on the left of the Insights dashboard. Saved reports are available on our Enterprise plan only.

Saving a report

View your report

On our Growth and Enterprise plans, you can view a full report of the last 30 days. Once your report is generated, you will see analytics for each of your Group members and a graph showing analytics data at a glance. Hover your mouse over the graph to view the overall stats for that date.

Viewing a report

Download Your Report

You can download and save your report as a CSV file by clicking Download CSV.

Share your report

You can share reports with your Workspace Group by clicking the Share button at the top right of the Insights page. From here, select which Group you would like to share with or specify individuals.

Both you and the Group member you’re sharing with need a Growth or Enterprise subscription to use this feature. If you have any questions, contact [email protected], and we'll help get you set up.

Sharing a report

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