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How to add recipients to the middle of a Sequence
How to add recipients to the middle of a Sequence

This article explains what workaround you can use if you need to add recipients to different stages in the middle of a Sequence.

Updated over a year ago

Sequences are available on the Mixmax Small Business plan and above. Check out our pricing page for more information.

Mixmax does not currently have a way to add people mid-way through a sequence. However, sometimes you need to add people to the middle of a sequence; for example, if you accidentally ended a 3-stage sequence for all recipients and there were different recipients in different stages. Because you cannot currently add people back to the sequence so that they will start with Stage 2 or Stage 3 (all sequence recipients start at Stage 1), you'll need to create two new sequences, each missing the stages that the recipients already received. After you create the sequences, you'll need to add the right recipients to the stages.

Create new sequences that contain the follow-up stages:

In the example we're using, where you had a 3-stage sequence that you accidentally ended, you'll need to create two sequences:

  • Sequence A: The first stage is the content of Stage 2. The second stage is the content of Stage 3.

  • Sequence B: The first stage is the content of Stage 3.

Here's the process for creating Sequence A:

1. Clone your original sequence. From the main sequences page, click the blue button with three dots (β€’β€’β€’) on the sequence you'd like to clone, then click Copy sequence in the drop-down menu that opens:

Copying a sequence

2. Remove any stages your recipient(s) has/have already received: click the trash can icon in the bottom right corner. For the example we're working on, the recipients have already received Stage 1, so we need to delete it.

Deleting a stage

Now, the sequence consists of 2 stages: Stage 1 contains the content of the old Stage 2, and Stage 2 contains the content of the old Stage 3.

Repeat the steps to create Sequence B:

Clone the original sequence again and delete the stages before Stage 3.

Next, add the correct recipients to each sequence:

  1. Download the recipient report from the Recipients tab. Open it in a program like Excel or Google Sheets.

  2. Sort by the column Replied. Delete the recipients where Replied = TRUE because you don't want to add them to your sequence (unless you set up your sequence to send each stage to everyone, regardless of whether or not they replied).

  3. Sort by the column LastStageSent. Now that you know each recipient's last stage, you can add recipients to Sequence A or B.

  4. Create a new CSV, and paste in the recipients where LastStageSent was Stage 1. You'll add these recipients to Sequence A β€” they have already received Stage 1 and need to receive Stages 2 and 3.

  5. Create a new CSV, and paste in the recipients where LastStageSent was Stage 2. You'll add these recipients to Sequence B.

  6. The CSV you download will include the recipients' email addresses, first names, and last names. If you need other data from your original CSV, you'll need to use the vlookup function to pull this information into your new CSV. For more details, see how to use the vlookup function.

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