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Mixmax Calling

Learn how to generate phone numbers and call your prospects, customers, and contacts directly from the browser with Mixmax Calling.

Updated over a week ago

Calling is available only on the Mixmax Enterprise plan. Check out our pricing page for more information.

Mixmax Calling allows you to generate phone numbers and call your prospects, customers, candidates, and contacts directly from the browser. All call logs and the duration can be synced directly to Salesforce.

Setting up Calling

The United States and Canada

From the Calling Settings dashboard, select the country you would like to generate a phone number for:

Generating phone number

Enter the area code you would like to use to generate a phone number:

Phone area code

Click the Get Phone Number button to generate a phone number:

Getting phone number

Phone numbers are subject to area code availability. If a phone number with the area code you selected is not available, please try again later or select a different area code.

You can specify your incoming phone number on this page as well. If you call someone via Mixmax and they call you back, the call will be routed to the incoming phone number.

Incoming phone number

International Calling

To comply with local regulations, Mixmax requires additional information from you or your business to generate international phone numbers. To purchase new international numbers, please contact our support team with the required documentation.

Once the required documents are approved, the requested country will appear in the list of available countries:

Adding a country to the list

Phone numbers available to you will appear in the Select Phone Number drop-down:

Selecting phone number

After selecting the phone number, click Get Phone Number to apply the phone number to your account:

Sample phone number

You can specify your incoming phone number on this page as well. If you call someone via Mixmax and they call you back, the call will be routed to the incoming phone number. International phone numbers should include the country code preceded by a plus sign (+).

Incoming phone number

Local Presence

With Local Presence, you will be able to call prospects from a number with the same area code as the prospect.

Before using Local Presence, please ensure you have a personal number set up as described above.๏ปฟ

When Local Presence is enabled for a Workspace, you will have the option to place a call either from Your phone number or a Local number.

If Local Presence is enabled for your account, it will be the default option in the call module.

If you would like to use your personal phone number to place a call instead, you will need to select Your phone number from the drop-down first, then place the call.

Selecting local number

To use Local Presence, open up the Call task you are working on, and in the From section, select the Local Number option.

Calls to the prospect will come from a number with the same area code.

Local dial

Once you click call, Mixmax will purchase a new number or use a number available to your workspace to match the recipient's area code best.

If a phone number with a specific area code is unavailable, we will default to your personal number configured in your personal Calling settings.

Phone numbers purchased for the Local Presence that are actively in use within your workspace will be available to all users within the workspace and are not associated with one specific user.

When routing incoming calls made with a local number, Mixmax will automatically find the last Mixmax user who called that contact using the given local number. The call will be forwarded to the incoming call number configured for the expected Mixmax user.

To enable Local Presence for your workspace, contact our support team.

Local Presence is currently available only for US numbers.

Place or log a call from Gmail

From Gmail, you can place a call from the Mixmax Sidebar. If you're looking at a contact in the Sidebar, and their phone number is in your CRM, click the Call icon.

Call from Sidebar

You can still place a call if you're not looking at a particular contact in the sidebar. Hover over the plus sign in the top right corner, then choose Phone call from the menu:

Phone call in the menu

A call window will open. In the To field, you can enter the name of a Salesforce lead or contact โ€” if their phone number is in Salesforce, it will automatically populate with the number. Alternatively, you can also type or paste a phone number into the To field. Fill out the fields and add call notes, which will sync to Salesforce after you end the call. After you hang up, you can continue to edit the form.

Syncing the call to Salesforce

If you call from your desk or cell phone or someone calls you, you can still log the call to Salesforce. Click Log call from the menu, and then fill out the information to log to Salesforce:

Manually logging the call to Salesforce

Place a call from any phone number link

With the Mixmax Chrome extension installed, any phone number link on any website you visit becomes a number you can call using Mixmax. Just click a phone number link like (844) 387-6962, and a calling window will open, ready for you to place the call.

Calling via an extension


When you place a call via Mixmax, you fill out a form that can sync to Salesforce. The form can include fields such as call disposition and notes. Specify which fields appear on your CRM Settings page.

See your Calling usage

To see your calling charges โ€” based on the number of minutes and number of phone numbers you've used during the current billing period โ€” go to your Calling Settings page. Mixmax administrators can see a summary of all calling charges for your organization in the Billing section of your Admin Settings page.



The Calls report type available in the Report Builder displays the list of all calls made by the members of your Workspace, including the manually logged ones.

Calls report

You can view detailed call information in this report, including the following:

  • caller and recipient's names

  • the phone numbers To/From which the call was made

  • call date

  • call duration

  • call recording (you can listen to it directly from the report, change the playback speed, or download the file)

  • call notes (click the note preview to open the entire note in a popup window)

  • call status (Completed, Busy, No answer, or Failed)

The Completed call status is also displayed for the calls that were not answered in case you were able to leave a voicemail. Unfortunately, at the moment, there is no opportunity to mark the calls with voicemails differently, but the call duration might be helpful to tell the difference.

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