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Part 2: Configure Real-Time Sync (Optional)

This is part 2 of Chapter 2 of the Workspace Administration course, where we show you how to configure Real-Time Sync for Salesforce.

Updated over 11 months ago

In certain cases, e.g., if you use Salesforce Rules, create Tasks in Salesforce, or add Contact/Leads in bulk and would like these records to become accessible in Mixmax right away, your Workspace will benefit from enabling Real-Time Sync for Salesforce.

To use Real-Time Sync, you will need the following:

  1. A designated Salesforce Sync User for your Workspace.

  2. Salesforce Enterprise edition or another Salesforce plan that supports Apex.

Real-Time Sync allows Mixmax to reduce its Bulk API usage. Instead, Mixmax will use Apex calls to retrieve record updates from Salesforce.

Your Bulk API quota (Important!)

Before deciding to install the Real-Time Sync package in your Salesforce production or sandbox, it is important to understand there are two cases when your Bulk API quota will be higher than normal:

  1. During the preliminary state audit. Right after you install Real-Time Sync, Mixmax will perform the initial sync with your Salesforce instance.

  2. When a secondary state audit is required. When Mixmax detects an inconsistency, the best practice is to re-audit the state. For example, that will occur when there is an attempt to update a contact record, but the contact is flagged as previously unknown to Mixmax, which could mean there is an issue.

However, when Real-Time Sync is up and running, the day-to-date Bulk API usage will be less costly.

Installation steps

To install Real-Time Sync, go to the Integrations tab in the Admin Settings and click Install Mixmax Salesforce Package.

Installing Salesforce package

You will be redirected to a new tab and see a page that looks like the image below. Select Install for All Users, then click Install.

Installing for all users

Check the box to Approve Third-Party Access. This will allow Salesforce to send data to Mixmax directly.

Approving access

When the installation is complete, click Done:

Installation complete

The Installed Packages page will open in Salesforce. That's it!

If you go back to the Integrations section of the Admin Settings tab, Mixmax will automatically identify that the Mixmax Package has been installed and proceed to set it up.

Setting up RTS

It may take Mixmax up to 30 seconds to detect the Salesforce package installation.

This process shouldn't take long. All done now; no more setup is required. Now, your data will be synced in real time!

Active RTS

You can use the Integrations tab to check your Real-time Sync connection status and see if there are any errors.

To learn more, check out How to enable Real-Time Sync.

Sync Conditions

You can further reduce Apex calls' usage by enabling Real-Time Sync Conditions.

Setting Real-Time Sync Conditions allocates Apex calls to key data used in your Workspace workflows, triggering updates from SFDC to Mixmax only when specific fields are updated in SFDC (instead of executing every single time there is an update).

Enabling sync conditions

For more information, see Sync Conditions.

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