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Zapier integration

Connect Mixmax to your favorite apps and automate workflows without writing any code.

Updated over 5 months ago

Zapier integration is available on the Mixmax Growth + CRM plan and above. Check out our pricing page for more information.

Connecting to Zapier

To connect your Mixmax account to Zapier, navigate to your Personal Integration settings.

Locate the integration option for the Zapier account and click "Accept invite to Zapier".

After, you will be taken to the invite page to use Mixmax with Zapier.

From the invite page, select "Accept Invite & Build a Zap".

After you will be taken to Zapier where you can create a Zap.

Select the "Trigger" option of the Zap and search for Mixmax in the dropdown options.

Select a Mixmax trigger from the dropdown list.

Once you have selected a Trigger, select "Continue".

After, you will be prompted to sign into Mixmax. Select "Sign in"

You will then be prompted to sign with your Mixmax API Key. The API Key can also be found in the Integrations settings here.

To generate the API Key, select "Create Mixmax API Token".

Copy your API Key and paste it into the below prompt. Select "Yes, Continue to Mixmax"

After this step, Mixmax and Zapier will be connected so you can continue to build out Zaps with Mixmax.

Mixmax Triggers in Zapier

Triggers are events from which Zapier can go on to perform further actions.

Supported Mixmax Zapier Triggers:

  • An email is opened

  • A tracked link is clicked

  • An attachment is downloaded

  • A recipient is added to a sequence

  • A recipient is exited from a sequence

  • Someone votes in my poll

  • Someone unsubscribes from my sequence

  • Meeting invite is confirmed

  • Meeting invite is cancelled


Depending on the Trigger selected, users can also include additional filter parameters for their Zap.

For example, users can filter by recipient email for the "Email Opened" Trigger.

Mixmax Actions in Zapier

The Zap will perform an action when it is triggered.

Supported Mixmax Zapier Actions:

  • Remove recipient from a sequence

  • Add recipient to a sequence

  • Unsubscribe a recipient from sequences

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