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How to share email Templates

This article describes how to share or revoke access to email templates and template folders.

Updated over a month ago

Shared Templates are available on the Mixmax Small Business plan and above. Check out our pricing page for more information.

You can share individual templates as well as folders of templates.

Share an individual Template

To share an individual Template, open the Template and click Share:

Sharing template with an individual

You can share with a Workspace Group or with individuals. To share with individuals, add the email address of the person you want to share with under the Individuals section. Be sure to use the email address associated with their Mixmax account. Or type out the name of a Group in the Groups section:

If you're sharing with a group, you must be a member of that group.

Sharing template with a group

You can choose whether to give read-only (can view) or read-write access (can edit).

Revoke access to a Template

If you want to revoke someone's access to a Template, click the trash can icon next to their name.

Revoking access to template

Share a template folder

To share a template folder, select the folder and then click the Share this folder button at the top:

If you're sharing with a group, you must be a member of that group.

Sharing template folder

When you share a Template with someone, they'll receive a notification email and will be prompted to accept the Template.

Sharing template folder notification

If they don't yet have a Mixmax account, they'll be invited to create one. Once they do, the Template (or folder of Templates) will be waiting for them. Individual Templates will appear in their Shared with me folder.

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