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Tasks in Mixmax
Tasks in Mixmax

Learn how to create, manage, and prioritize Mixmax Tasks and use the Tasks Workflow mode to complete Tasks.

Updated over 12 months ago

Tasks are available on the Mixmax Enterprise plan only. Check out our pricing page for more information.

Use tasks to keep track of important to-dos and follow-ups so customer communication doesn't fall through the cracks.

Automate task creation through sequences and rules to create workflows that help your team follow best practices. Or you can create tasks manually if you need a reminder to complete something specific (send a follow-up email with updated numbers agreed upon during the call).

You can work through your tasks from the Mixmax web app, out of your Gmail inbox, or even in Salesforce.

For Outlook-based users, Tasks are currently only available in the Mixmax web app. To learn more about the Mixmax integration with Outlook, check out How to use Outlook with Mixmax.

Types of tasks

To-Do tasks

To-do tasks are general to-do items that need action outside of Mixmax. You can use to-do tasks as a research step before calling a prospect, an offline action such as sending your client a thank you card, or taking an action in another application.

Call tasks

Adding a call task allows you to queue up call touchpoints within your Mixmax workflows. You can seamlessly make and log these calls using the Mixmax dialer. To learn more, see Mixmax Calling.

Manual email tasks

Email tasks allow you to draft an email that you can manually choose to send when appropriate. Email tasks include an editor where you can review, edit, and further personalize your email before sending.

LinkedIn Connection or InMail requests

LinkedIn tasks can only be created by sequence stages. This allows you to socially engage with a prospect by sending a templated InMail message or adding a connection according to your outreach strategy.

Salesforce + Tasks

If you are connected to Salesforce, you can access your open To-do and Call tasks created by Salesforce directly in Mixmax. You will also be able to access your Mixmax tasks in Salesforce. Updates to these tasks will sync back to Salesforce (Be sure to check the box next to Sync Mixmax Tasks in Salesforce).

If you are using Salesforce: Admins can surface additional Salesforce fields in the To-do and Call task window in admin settings under the Roles > Salesforce tab.

Unlike other Call and To-do tasks, Email tasks will not be synced to Salesforce when the task is created. Instead, when you send the email, the Email task will be synced to Salesforce as a Sent event. Clicking Send on an Email Task will mark it as completed.

Task automation in Mixmax

Tasks with Sequences

Sequences do so much more than just automate emails. The most effective sequences typically include a variety of channels (email, call, LinkedIn) and the right balance of automated vs. human touchpoints. To create multi-touch sequences, you can add manual email, call, to-do task, and LinkedIn stages to your sequence.

When your recipient enters the corresponding stage, it will create a corresponding Task with a due date based on your sequence stage configuration.

Based on your sequence settings, the recipient will automatically be moved to the next stage when you complete the task or may be moved regardless of the task status. You can also manually skip the recipient to the next stage when executing the task.

When completing Call tasks created by a sequence, your sequence recipients' phone numbers should automatically be pulled into the Call task.

Add key talking points to the task description when creating the sequence. When working on the Call task, these notes will be seamlessly available during the call.

If you choose a manual email task, you will be able to draft the email that will be included in the task. When your sequence reaches the Email Task stage, a new task will be queued up for you to send. This makes Email tasks great for manually approving a sequence stage before it's sent or adding a personal touch before sending out your sequence stage.

Email task

Automating your workflow using Tasks + Rules

Rules are extremely powerful for automating workflows, from data entry, follow-ups, and reminders to hand-offs.

Here are a couple of powerful ways to use Rules to automate tasks:

  • When a recipient reads your email 3 times, create a call task to follow up.

  • When a meeting is confirmed, create a To-do task to prepare for it.

  • When a meeting is canceled, create an email task to follow up about rescheduling.

  • When someone answers my yes/no question (i.e., to request a demo) in an email, create an email task containing a template to follow up.

  • When a task is completed, post to Slack to let the team know.

  • When a Contact is 30 days out from their renewal date, create an email task to follow up.

You can trigger actions based on Task activity:

  • A Mixmax task is created.

  • A Mixmax task is updated.

  • A Mixmax task is completed.

  • A Salesforce task is created or updated.

You can create tasks as a resulting action based on triggers you define:

  • Create a Mixmax task.

  • Create a new Salesforce task.

Managing your tasks in the Mixmax Tasks Dashboard

You can find all of your tasks in the Tasks Dashboard in the web app.

Create a new task by clicking New Task in the top left corner. Choose whether you want to create an Email task, a To-do task, or a Call task. In the task pop-up window, write a title for your task and fill in any required fields. Then, set the task due date by clicking the calendar icon. Finally, click Save in the upper-right corner of the task window to save the task.

Creating a new task

Prioritizing your tasks

Make the most of your day with prioritization workflows that help you follow up with your most important recipients.

Prioritizing tasks

On the left panel, you can access quick task queues provided for you by default to make it easy to access relevant tasks with a single click.


Assignee = myself

Status = Open

Due date = Today

Most engaged

Assignee = myself

Status = Open

Due date = This month

These tasks belong to a sequence and where the recipient has opened any emails in that sequence at least once.

High priority

Assignee = myself

Status = Open

Due date = This month

Priority = high

All open tasks

Assignee = myself

Status = Open

Due date = All

Completed tasks

Assignee = myself

Status = Completed

Due date = This month

Task filters allow even more granular control for prioritization better customized for your workflow:

  • View Tasks for - This is only available to workspace admins and will provide a list of assignees in your workspace. Myself, as the top result, will filter the tasks to those assigned to you. You can search for a specific user by typing in the drop-down Search for an assignee field.

  • Due Date - You have quick access to several preset date configurations for you to quickly refine your task list, including “Overdue,” “Today,” “Today+Overdue,” “Tomorrow,” “Next 7 Days,” “Next 7 days + Overdue,” “This Month.” Additionally, you can enter a custom date range for the due date by entering dates into the inputs under View tasks between.

Due dates are timezone dependent.

  • Task Type - By default, all task types are selected; however, you can choose to deselect those that are not relevant to you. You can filter by Call, Manual Email, To-do, LinkedIn connection request, and LinkedIn InMail task types.

  • Sequence - This will list all sequences you have access to that are not archived in your workspace. You can search for tasks related to the sequence of your choice by selecting Search for a Sequence and entering your sequence’s name.

  • Status - This will allow you to view your Open, Completed, or Skipped tasks. By default, we display your Open tasks.

  • Opens - This filter helps you identify your engaged recipients. You can view all tasks regardless of recipient engagement, only sequence tasks where the recipient opened any email in the sequence at least once, or only tasks where no associated email opens occurred.

  • Priority - This will allow you to view all tasks regardless of priority or focus only on tasks with a specific priority (high, normal, low).

  • Account - Users can search by specific accounts and view tasks associated with all related contacts and activities. (only available if you enabled the integration with Salesforce).

To utilize the Accounts filter, you must be connected to Salesforce. Please see how to connect to Salesforce.

You can sort tasks by:

  • Due date (this is the default setting)

  • Title

  • Opened

Opened represents the total # of times the recipient opened any email from the sequence related to the task. This filter option is a great way to determine your most interested or engaged prospects.

Bulk actions

You can also bulk update To-do tasks by using the checkboxes on the left hand of the Tasks page and either marking them as complete or deleting them.

Bulk actions

If a task is part of a sequence and is marked as Completed or Skipped, it will progress the recipient to the next sequence stage. If a task is a part of a sequence and it is deleted, it will exit the recipient from the sequence.

Completing tasks in the Tasks Workflow mode

The Mixmax Tasks Workflow mode enables you to power through your tasks in one view based on your specified task queue. You can use Tasks Workflow to efficiently make all your daily phone calls or send emails from your Email Tasks. Thanks to the Mixmax Sidebar, you can access relevant profile information and activity history related to the recipient side by side with your tasks; there is no need to jump between tabs for full context. See Tasks Workflow to learn more.

Please note that currently, the Mixmax Sidebar and Tasks Workflow in the Inbox are not supported for Outlook-based users. However, they are available in the Mixmax web app for both Gmail and Outlook users.

Tasks Workflow

To complete a Call task, you must complete the call. After the call has ended, you can finish filling out the details related to the call, and once you're all set, click Log and Complete.

To complete an Email task, you must send the email, which will automatically log the email activity and move on to the next task.

To mark a To-do task as completed, click the checkmark in the upper-left corner of the task window.

Completing a To-do task

To delete a task, click the trash icon in the bottom-right corner of the task window.

Deleting a task related to a sequence will exit the recipient from the sequence. We do not recommend deleting sequence tasks.

Completed Tasks Reporting

Users can pull up a report on Completed Tasks in Mixmax using the Report Builder.

This report will only display data for Completed Tasks from Mixmax Sequences. One-off Tasks created manually or by Rules will not be reflected in the Completed Tasks Report data. In the Report Builder, you can view the Completed Task report for either Users or Groups. After selecting the report subtype, you can use the Advanced Filters to refine your search.

Report Builder

Workspace Admins will be able to view all Groups and their Completed Tasks data in Report Builder regardless if they are part of a given Group.

After running a Users or Groups report, you can view the data for Completed Tasks per Task type (i.e., To-do Tasks).

Results per Task type

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