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HubSpot Rules

This article will review how users can set up personal Mixmax Rules with HubSpot triggers

Updated over a week ago


In order to create HubSpot rules, a user must first connect to the HubSpot integration. Please see how to connect to the integration here.

Setting up HubSpot Rules

1.) In order to configure the rule, users will need to go to their Rules page here and select "+ New Rule".

Note: HubSpot workspace rules are not currently supported.

2.) Next, users will need to select the HubSpot trigger.

3.) After, users can customize their filter step of the rule. Users are able to filter on any HubSpot Contact property as a filter.

4.) Finally, users can select the action step.

The HubSpot rule trigger can be used with the following rule actions:

  • Email

  • Sequence

  • SMS

  • Email Task

  • Slack

  • Webhook

Important Note:

When selecting the sequence rule action, "Add them to a sequence", it is important to note that only HubSpot Contact properties which labels match the sequence variables will be automatically resolved within the sequence content. See more on HubSpot contact variables here.

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