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Daily Send Limit FAQ

This is an overview of Frequently Asked Questions about the Daily Send Limit in Gmail and how it applies to Mixmax.

Updated over 2 months ago

Sequences are available on the Mixmax Small Business plan and above. Check out our pricing page for more information.

I have multiple logins to Mixmax. How does the Daily Send Limit get applied?

The Daily Send Limit is applied to the GSuite/Gmail account used to log in to Mixmax. If you have multiple logins to Mixmax, this means you have multiple workspaces, as there can only be one workspace per Gsuite/Gmail account. Google aliases are not counted separately from the GSuite account they are linked to.

I am a delegated sender. How does this affect my Daily Sent Limit?

The Daily Send Limit is set per GSuite or Gmail account. For example, my login to Mixmax is [email protected]. A colleague, [email protected], has authorized me to send on their behalf via delegation sending, and we are a part of the same workspace. The Daily Send Limit for the workspace is 250. I can send up to 500 sequence emails as long as I stay within 250 sequence emails per user.

Why is the max threshold 1,000? How does this limit affect non-sequence emails?

Gmail has a daily sending limit of 2,000 in a 24-hour rolling period. We set a max of 1,000 for the Daily Send Limit, so there was enough room in your Gmail sending limit to send out time-sensitive non-bulk emails such as manual emails, Send Later emails & emails triggered by rule-actions. By keeping the max threshold at 1,000, you avoid hitting your Gmail daily sending limit.

What types of emails does the Daily Send Limit affect?

The Daily Send Limit and rescheduling algorithm only apply to emails sent via sequences. Non-bulk emails such as manual emails, Send Later emails & emails triggered by rule actions will not be affected.

Can I turn off my Daily Send Limit?

The Daily Send Limit setting is applied to every Workspace, and you cannot turn it off. By default, we set each new Workspace to 500. You can increase this all the way up to 1,000, allowing you to send more sequence emails in one day.

How does Mixmax determine which message to send?

Mixmax automatically prioritizes which messages to send based on several factors. To read more about how Mixmax determines which emails to prioritize and some examples of prioritization, please take a look at How Mixmax schedules Sequence emails.

What is considered a day in Mixmax?

Daily Send Limits are based on calendar days. The boundaries for when a day starts and ends are based on your browser's timezone the first time you signed into Mixmax. If you need to make changes to your time zone, please reach out to support.


How is the Daily Send Limit different from the Max Number of Daily Recipients we have today?

Mixmax has a Max Number of Daily Recipients setting in workspace settings today. However, this currently works per sequence batch uploaded to Mixmax. For example, let's say the Max Number of Daily Recipients is set to 150. I could still add 1,500 recipients and schedule sequence emails for all of them to send on the same day as long as I added those recipients in sequence batches less than the current Max Number of Daily Recipients. In this scenario, I would just need to add 10 sequence batches, each with 150 recipients. With the Daily Send Limit, Mixmax will only send 150 sequence emails for the day across all sequence batches and all sequences and reschedule the overflow of other recipients. In the example above, only 150 sequence emails would have been sent for the day, and the additional 1,350 would have been rescheduled for the next best available day.

What happens to the existing scheduled emails when the Daily Send Limit is enabled for my workspace?

When we enable this feature per workspace, all scheduled sequence emails for all users will be adjusted to comply with the new Daily Sent Limit set by the workspace. If a user has sequence emails scheduled that exceed that Daily Rate Limit, they will automatically be rescheduled for the next best available time based on the rescheduling algorithm. For example, I have 1,000 sequence emails scheduled to go out tomorrow at 8 a.m. PT. I have 500 scheduled in Sequence #1 and 500 in Sequence #2, and your Max Number of Daily Recipients setting is set to 500. Because the Max Number of Daily Recipients is a limit set per sequence batch, it is possible to have 1,000 sequence emails scheduled to be sent tomorrow starting at 8 a.m. PT.

When Daily Send Limit is enabled for your workspace, 500 of those 1,000 scheduled sequence emails will be rescheduled for the next best available time. This is because Daily Sent Limit looks at scheduled sequence emails across all sequences to ensure a user does not exceed their Daily Send Limit.

Daily Send Limit will not retroactively adjust messages that were rescheduled based on the Max Number of Daily Recipient logic before the Daily Send Limit launch. For example, if you uploaded a sequence batch of 500 recipients and your Max Number of Daily Recipients setting was set to 250, Mixmax would have rescheduled 250 to comply with the Max Number of Daily Recipients setting. Once migrated to Daily Send Limit, Mixmax will not look at the initially scheduled date of the 250 rescheduled sequence emails and retroactively adjust them based on the new logic.

Please visit our Daily Send Limit overview for more information on migration details.

Gmail rate-limiting

What are the scenarios in which rate-limiting can still occur?

There are a few cases that could potentially cause users to still be rate-limited:

Rolling 24-hour window vs. Daily Limit

Gmail evaluates your Gmail sending thresholds on a rolling 24-hour window period. Mixmax (similar to our competitors) will evaluate your sending threshold within a 24-hour day based on your user timezone. A user could be rate-limited if their rolling 24-hour window quota exceeds Gmail limits. For example, I might have 1,000 emails scheduled to be sent on December 17th, CT. I have them scheduled to be sent at 11:30 p.m. CT. I also have 1,000 emails scheduled to be sent at 12 a.m. CT on December 18th. This could trigger a rate-limiting error.

Rate of emails sent

For this version, we are not addressing spacing between emails sent around the same time (e.g., the rate at which we send emails in a given time period). For example, you can have a daily rate limit of 1,000 but have all 1,000 scheduled to go out at 10 a.m. CT. This could cause an account to be rate-limited because Gmail flags if there is a high volume of emails sent in a very short period of time. It is on our upcoming roadmap to allow spacing between emails that are sent outside of Sequences.

Bulk & non-bulk emails exceed Gmail Rate limits

We have set a max Daily Limit of 1,000 emails per day. The Gmail threshold is 2,000 in a rolling 24-hour period. We have set the max limit at 1,000 so that all non-bulk emails can be sent at their originally scheduled time. A user could reach the rate limit if their non-bulk emails exceed 1,000 and they have 1,000 emails scheduled for the day. Currently, the most likely way for this to happen is if they have a send-an-email rule configured.

You can find more information in our Daily Send Limit help center article.

Daily send limit for Outlook-based users

Currently, the daily send limit is configured in your Workspace settings. Please note that Mixmax will not allow exceeding the daily send limit supported by Microsoft.

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