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How to uninstall the Mixmax Add-in for Outlook
How to uninstall the Mixmax Add-in for Outlook

This article explains how to uninstall the Mixmax Add-in for Microsoft Outlook as a Mixmax user.

Updated over 10 months ago

If you decide you no longer need the Mixmax Add-in for Outlook, you can easily uninstall it. To remove the Mixmax Add-in from your Outlook, follow these steps:

  1. In your Microsoft Outlook, go to Home > Apps > Get Add-ins.

  2. In the Add-ins for Outlook window, select My Add-ins on the left.

  3. Right-click the Mixmax Add-in and select Remove. That's all!

Removing the add-in

Microsoft 365 Admins can delete the Mixmax add-in via Integrated Apps or the admin center.

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