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Live Feed

This article explains how to track your email activity using the Mixmax Live Feed.

Updated over 10 months ago

Syncing to the Mixmax Live Feed is available on all paid plans. Check out our pricing page for more information.

The Mixmax Live Feed, available for Gmail and Microsoft Outlook users, is a stream of activity showing how your recipients interact with your emails. When you enable syncing your emails to Mixmax, the Live Feed will display each email with the detailed recipient activity.

How the Live Feed works

Live Feed

You'll see each Open, Click, and Download event in your Live Feed. You can filter to look only at Opened, Clicked, or Downloaded events by clicking those buttons in the top bar. On the Small Business plan and above, you can also see and filter for replies.

You can select multiple views from the View feed menu at the top of your Live Feed to see who is interacting with recipients:

  • Myself - only your own correspondence will show in this view.

  • Workspace Groups tabs - there will be a separate view for each Workspace Group where you are a member.

  • All Groups - this view aggregates emails from all your Workspace Groups.

The Group Live Feed lets you see who your team is emailing and whether their emails are opened, clicked, and downloaded. Only emails synced to Mixmax will appear on the Group Live Feed.

To see the list of opens, clicks, and downloads for an individual email, simply hover over the eyeball icon or timestamp next to the recipient.

Besides the email's activity, your Live Feed will also show your recipient's location from which they interacted with your email when Mixmax can detect it. To learn more, see Location tracking.

Location tracking

Please note that currently, when an email has multiple recipients, there are certain tracking limitations for Outlook-based users:

All of the Opened and Clicked activity will appear related to the first recipient in the To field, even if that recipient is not the one who actually opened the email.

If you're on the Small Business plan or above, your Live Feed shows events for messages sent in the last 30 days by default. Still, you can see much further back in time (we're working on making this infinite) by deleting sent:last30days in the search bar and searching again or by specifying your own dates.

All prior events are shown in your Sent folder (see Tracking overview for more details).

Live Feed search

You can search through your emails by sender, recipient, sequence, template, activity, or dates sent in the search bar at the top.

Live Feed search

To clear search filters, click All in the left sidebar.

Clearing the search

If you use the same set of search parameters often, you can save the search to reuse it later:

  1. Set the search parameters in the search bar as required and click Search.

  2. Click Save this search at the top of the page.

  3. Enter the name under which you want to save this search and click Save.

You can conveniently access saved searches under My Searches in the left sidebar.

Saving the search

How to log your emails to Mixmax Live Feed

You can sync emails to Mixmax on the SMB plan and above. When you send an email, you can enable syncing it to your Live Feed.

To set this up, in Gmail, just hover over the Sync button and select Sync to Mixmax in the bottom bar.

Syncing to Mixmax

In Outlook, to sync the email to Mixmax, simply check the box next to Sync to Mixmax in the side panel.

Syncing to Mixmax

To learn more, check out how to sync emails with your Group.

You can log all emails to your Live Feed by default. To enable the syncing, go to the CRMs & Live Feed section of your Settings. Scroll down to the Mixmax Settings section and click the box next to Automatically send activities to the Live Feed, Outbox, and Insights sections.

Send activities to Live Feed

If the Mixmax Settings area is greyed out, it means these settings are managed by a Role. Your Workspace admin will need to edit these settings for the respective Role in the Roles tab of their Admin settings.

When Automatically send events to the Live Feed, Outbox, and Reports sections is enabled, this will not retroactively apply to previously created sequences. To ensure new emails from the pre-existing sequences sync to the Live Feed, see that the Sync to Mixmax option is checked within the Sequence Settings tab.

If you disable the syncing, the emails will still sync privately, and a lock icon will be displayed next to the email to indicate this. However, other members of your Workspace Group will not be able to view the synced email.

Messages synced privately

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact our support team.

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