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Enhancements overview

This is an overview of all email Enhancements available in Mixmax.

Updated over a month ago

Email Enhancements are available on all Mixmax plans, including the Free plan. Check out our pricing page for more information.

For Outlook-based users, Mixmax Email Enhancements are currently supported only in the web app (for Sequences and Rules). To learn more about the Mixmax integration with Outlook, check out How to use Outlook with Mixmax.

Mixmax offers a wonderful array of email enhancements. From group event polls to link previews - we're your Swiss army knife for your email!

How to insert Enhancements

There are a few ways to insert enhancements:

The Enhance menu

Within your compose window, hover over the Enhance menu in the lower-right corner to see all enhancements grouped by function.

Enhance menu

Keyboard slash commands

With slash commands, you can quickly access the enhancement menu within the compose window. After typing in / (slash), you'll see our complete list of enhancements ordered alphabetically. Use the up/down arrows or your mouse to scroll through the list, and press Enter or click to select an enhancement.

To learn all of our shortcuts, go to Keyboard commands.

Enhancements by function


Calendars are our most popular enhancement category. With calendar features, you can schedule group events or important meetings all within a single email!

Share Availability

Shortcut: /availability or /cal

Share specific times when you're available to meet, and your recipient can schedule instantly within your email!

Share availability

Calendar invite

Shortcut: /invite

Insert a beautiful-looking calendar invite directly into your email.

Calendar invite

Group Event Poll

Shortcut: /groupscheduling

Quickly survey your recipients to find the best time to meet.

Group event poll


Yes or No (or Maybe)

Shortcut: /yn [question]

Get a quick answer by inserting a yes or no question. Customize the answer choices by clicking the button text and editing!


Shortcut: /qa [question]

Ask an open-ended question by inserting a Q&A survey.


Shortcut: /poll

Poll recipients by inserting a multiple-choice survey. To learn more, see poll results.


PDF Preview

No shortcut

Attach a PDF to the body of your email. To learn more, see enabling PDF preview.

PDF preview

Social Badges

Shortcut: /badge or /social

Click the Add Badge button to place multiple social media badges next to each other horizontally. You can even use them to customize your signature.

Social badges

File Request

Shortcut: /filerequest

Ask your recipient to upload a file by inserting this handy-dandy button.

File request


Shortcut: /tenor [search term] or /riffsy [search term]

Search and insert a GIF from Tenor (previously known as Riffsy).

Formatted Code

Shortcut: /code or /code [search term] (for existing formatted code)

Choose from 31 color themes to share gorgeous formatted code - any language!

Formatted code


Shortcut: /crowdcast

Invite recipients to your live Crowdcast event. Great for webinars, Q&As, interviews, etc.


Shortcut: /g [search term] or /giphy [search term]

Search and insert a GIF from Giphy.


Shortcut: /separator

Inserts a simple grey line to separate sections, giving your emails a clean, professional look.

Call to Action

Shortcut: /cta or /button

Call to Action buttons encourage recipients to visit any site, even your Mixmax Public calendar, with one simple click.

Call to action

Custom HTML

Shortcut: /html

Create newsletter-like emails or anything else you can create with inline HTML! Learn more: Add custom HTML.


Shortcut: /video

Record or insert a Vidyard video. Learn more: Add Video to Email with Vidyard.

Vidyard video

Link Previews

Inserts a visual preview of your link, like below. Learn more: Customize link previews.

Live Web Clip

Shortcut: /webclip

Capture part of a live website and embed web content in your email.


Invite to Mixmax

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